Monday, March 21, 2005

Now If Only I Knew What The Reason For THIS Is

The motherboard on my dear, beloved laptop is wonky. It must go into the Sony ICU for emergency surgery. It is expected to make a good recovery, but will likely suffer a complete and irreversible amnesia.

In other words, my entire semester's work is G.O.N.E.

Blogging will likely be either a) very sparse as I no longer have access to Internet during class, especially Family Law (a.k.a. Please Kill Me Now) or b) much more prolific than usual, as I no longer have access to Internet during class.

Finbar is letting me borrow his old laptop. It's about 9 years old, I believe. It weighs about 80 lbs and runs Windows 95. I tried to update the IE version and I can't because Microsoft no longer supports Windows 95. So I tried to download Firefox, but I can't because there isn't enough memory. It's better than no laptop at all and I can get dial up on it at home (which is excruciatingly slow, given the processor speed and all), so I've got back up, at least. But I cannot WAIT forthe VAIO to be released from the hospital and come home to mama.


At 1:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shared the sad news with Oscar, and he said that if the problem is only with the motherboard, your data shouldn't be affected. If your hard drive is affected, well, then, that's another story.

good luck!



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