Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Stupid Local News

The teaser for tonight's local news was "Mt. St. Helens erupts!" accompanied by an impressive-looking still photo of billowing smoke and ash. As you may remember, I have a thing for Mt. St. Helens, so this caught my attention. Unwilling to wait for the commercial break between Judging Amy and the Really Bad Local Newscast, I flipped to CNN. Nothing. Headline News? Just Annoying Nancy Grace (who should be bansished from television forever for being whiny and not knowing how to use her Indoor Voice. You have a mic, honey! There's no need to yell!). Even *shudder* Fox News didn't have anything. Now, I'm figuring if Mt. St. Helens blew her top, that's going to be on the ticker at the very least. gives the straight dope. A little seismic activity and a small belch of smoke and ash. Sheesh. "Mt. St. Helens erupts!" is hardly an accurate assesment of the situtaion. Morons.


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