Saturday, September 03, 2005

Outrage Isn't Strong Enough

I encourage all of you who don't already to read Something Requisitely Witty and Urbane" for an excellent round up of the Administration's lack of a response to the disaster in the Gulf states. We as a people form a government instead of living in utter anarachy, each man or family for himself precisely because we have entrusted the government to take care of things like this that are bigger than the people affected. Our goverment has failed at the most basic level to do so. As so many have already said, this was not an unexpected event. We've had years and years to plan for and refine the plans for this very eventuality. Where are those plans now?


At 11:19 PM , Blogger Dylan said...

Thanks very much for the link!

I've gotten some flack for "politicizing" the hurricane, but I just don't think it is politicizing to point out just how agregious the missteps were, how insensitive the President and his staff's actions have been, and how apathetic the initial response was.


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