Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Just My Luck

Today I was exhausted and ended up sleeping in so that I missed my bus. Finbar was nice enough to drive me to school, but I still didn't arrive until 9:15-- too late for Evidence.

The prof in this class is borderline insane (and not in a good way). His lectures are erratic and often nonsensical. He has a very annoying habit of starting a sentence, stopping in the middle to wander off on a seemingly unrelated tangent for several minutes, then going back to the point that he left off in the original sentence without recapping the first part of the sentence that we've all forgotten by then. He makes up bizarre hypotheticals and draws diagrams that don't match up with what he says in lecture OR what the book says. In fact, there are many days that I take no more than 100 words of notes because his lecture is so disorganized and unintelligible that it may as well be given in Pashtu or Inuit.

Given all of this and the fact that he doesn't take attendance, I wasn't too fussed about the idea of missing one of his lectures. I'm not in the habit of skipping for the sake of skipping and I can always get the notes from someone anyway, soooo... no big deal, right?

Today, he called on me in class. The one sure fire way for him to discover that I was absent. Apparently, though, he didn't quite *get* it at first. He wasn't looking at the right seat to correspond with my name on the seating chart, so there was no empty spot to tip him off. And apparently the fact that I didn't answer "Hey, I'm over here!" didn't clue him in either.

45 lectures scheduled for this semester. 123 students in the class. And yet somehow I manage to hit the lottery.



At 12:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hit the lottery too. couldn't remember my name either. umahaha.

but, i am so going down on thursday.
gosh, at least he was having "a good day" today. his lecutre somewhat made sense. :(


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