Monday, October 31, 2005

Just Call Me Scrooge

It irritates the holy bejeebers out of me that they hold the Law School blood drive in the middle of the student lounge. It just doesn't seem right to have people undergoing what is essentially a medical procedure in the same room where we all eat lunch. They set up a handful of screens, but I am not sure what the purpose of those screens could be, since the people who are donating are lying on cots in plain sight of the rest of the room. The whole thing seems unsanitary and just plain wrong. Don't get me wrong; I think blood donation should be encouraged and it's a great thing that Our Law School sponsors these drives a few times a year. But there are other, more discreet places that the actual blood draw could take place. Plaster the place with signs, put a table down in the lounge to have sign ups, send out announcements, advertise however you like. But for pity's sake, I don't want to have to watch one of my professors lying on a cot while her blood collects in a container.

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