Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Two Years In a Row??

One of my fellow officers came into the office yesterday holding a box of Tagalongs. I missed the Girl Scout Cookie sale again! Why do I never get hit up for cookie orders by Girl Scouts? I'm all about the cookies! I spend more money that I ought to on them whenever I get the chance! I won one of the top seller awards in our council twice when I was a girl scout. One year, I was the VERY top seller, and the award included not just a badge, but also a trip to Sea World, which was pretty cool. Plus which, I have all too many memories of hawking overpriced crap for one extracurricular activity or another, so I'm a huge sucker for any kid selling for a fundraiser.

I need some Thin Mints! I need some Trefoils! Hook me up, people! Someone here has to know a Girl Scout...



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