Friday, January 28, 2005


Otherwise entitled "How I Wasted My Day (And Will Regret It Later)"

I hit the snooze alarm so many times that it stopped going off. This means that I went back to sleep and only got up at 10 because I had to go to the bathroom. Despite the later-than-expected start, I still had ambitious plans for the day. These included finishing the last of the dishes from the orgy of cooking that I indulged in on Tuesday night, continuation of my giant Clean Out The Closet project, reading of Copyright Law (seeing as I didn't do any of it this week), and shopping. I need a bunch of stupid little items: a can opener, a bottle brush, scrub pads, milk, hydrogen peroxide, pepto bismol, throat lozenges, lettuce, tomatoes, and a Valentine's Day card for Finbar. I also need to return one last item that I bought for a Christmas present and then changed my mind about, look for new sheets that cost less than $40 (and did I mention that I insist on a 300 thread count minimum?), and find the perfect black pumps.

I ate breakfast and drank my coffee at a leisurely pace, then I took a shower and got dressed. Then I thought to myself, "Meh. You don't have to have this stuff today." So I took my clothes off, put my PJs back on, and got a book-- notably, not one pertaining to my legal studies, curled up on the couch, and pulled a blanket over my legs. Later, I napped for an hour. Then I puttered around in the kitchen for a while. I cleaned out the fridge, but I did not do the dishes in the sink.

I also have not left the house. I didn't even go to the mailbox to get the mail because I could not bear the thought of leaving my nice warm binky to go out in that very cold wind for any reason short of a fire. And it would have had to be a very fierce fire.

In summary, I did NOTHING productive today. In fact, I went backwards-- I created more dishes that haven't been washed and I'm now another day further behind in my homework. You know, I used to be a highly-motivated person. In the immortal words of Adam Sandler, "What the hell happened to me?"


At 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I were productive today. R&R is vital...mentally and physically. What good is spending three hours (or so) reading your law text if you can't concentrate?

We just live in a twisted culture that demonizes leisure.



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