Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Ummm, Why Don't You Get A Room?

No, I'm not talking about PDA.

There's a new student group trying to get up and running here, which is cool. What is not cool is that they insist on having their meetings in the lounge section of the library. And then the leader gets his knickers all in a twist (didja like that little Britisicm, War?) because he wants to sit on the couches and there are people already sitting there.

Today, it was me. I have my laptop plugged in, my dinner and coffee on the table in front of me, and I'm happy. Here comes Norm (as I've just decided to call the leader of the group), and he's clearly unhappy to see me there. He comes up and tells me, "We're going to be crowding in here in a minute, so...", and pauses to let me say "Oh, sure, let me just get out of your way". But I'm not in the mood for this crap and there are no other open plugs in this part of the library, so I said, "So... you'll have to have your meeting around me. I'm plugged in here and not moving." He blinked a few times and then said "OK", because really, what else could he say?

There are so many other options for him to hold his little meeting. He could use one of the group study rooms. He could do what all of the other student organizations do and book a room through Facilities Management. At 4:30 on a Wednesday, I'm sure there's at least one open. Or, if he's dead-set on having it in the library lounge for whatever reason, HE COULD JUST MOVE TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM, where there are lots of open chairs (but no plugs, which is why I didn't just move over there).

This is the second week in a row they've come in here and disturbed me. Last week, I moved. As far as I'm concerned, there will be no further moving involved. He can just move his stupid meeting to a more appropriate venue.


At 7:21 PM , Blogger katze said...

Eep, the reason I didn't say anything to you is because my problem is not with *you*. It's with Norm. And it's not that I think the lounge is an *inappropriate* venue per se, it's Norm's attitude and expectation that he can come in and take it over, especially given that he has other options-- plus the fact that, when he came in, I was the only person in the lounge and instead of sitting in either of the other two groupings of chairs, he just *had* to sit in the group of chairs where I was.

Just to make myself clear. Email me if you're still mad and we'll talk-- there's no animosity toward you (or the other members of the society, Norm excepted) intended in this post.


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