Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Dazed and Confused

I did not witness this myself, but this story was gleefully repeated to me on at least 8 or 9 different occasions by different people with almost no variation in the detail, so I feel confident that I am about to post the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

First, a little background: Professor Feedback’s class meets three days a week. The first two days, we meet in classroom 4. On the third day, we meet in classroom 3. The classrooms are next to each other and laid out similarly, but there is a sort of atrium in between the two and it is not particularly easy to confuse the two.

Now, the story: On the third day last week, Professor Feedback walked into Classroom 4 ten minutes earlier than the scheduled start time for his class. Another course takes place in that room at that time and the students were already assembled, waiting for their professor. He walked to the front of the room, greeting several of the students by name on the way, and started drawing one of his insane diagrams on the chalkboard. The students watched in stunned silence for a moment, then started to snicker, as it dawned on them that he didn’t realize that he was in the wrong room. One of the students was kind enough to point this small fact out to Professor Feedback, who was momentarily confused. The chorus of voices eventually convinced him that he was, in fact, in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he wandered off to the correct classroom, where class began a few minutes late.


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